Successful Therapy for Severe Premenstrual Syndrome without Medication: A Case Study
In September 2019, a young woman attended a private consultation with complaints of painful menstruation. She also mentioned experiencing sudden mood swings, breast pain, and swelling.
Symptoms typically started about a week before her menstrual cycle began, peaking in the first few days and sometimes leading to complete withdrawal from social activities. However, engaging in sports helped alleviate the symptoms.
The patient, 33 years old, had been experiencing these symptoms since her menstrual cycles started at the age of 13. She believed her severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) was hereditary, as her mother had similar symptoms.
Physical examination revealed no musculoskeletal abnormalities, and the patient’s mental state appeared stable.
Based on the Rudolf Muss Menstrual Distress Questionnaire, the patient exhibited a severe form of PMS, with both emotional and edematous symptoms.
Treatment included a regimen of yoga techniques, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and dietary recommendations. After one month, the patient reported a significant reduction in symptoms, with a 1.5- to 2-fold improvement according to the questionnaire.
The patient was advised to continue with the exercise and dietary regimen, emphasizing breathing and relaxation techniques. This case highlights the effectiveness of simple yet tailored physical exercises and dietary adjustments in managing severe PMS. However, if symptoms persist, consulting a gynecologist is recommended.