High Blood Pressure: What to Do?
What should be done during high blood pressure?
Persistent high blood pressure is a medical condition indicating the development of hypertension. According to statistics, over 43% of adults suffer from hypertension, nearly half. It is noted that this condition primarily affects the elderly.
If treatment is not initiated promptly, serious diseases can develop in the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and other organs. In this article, we will discuss what the normal arterial pressure is for adults and what measures should be taken to adjust these values.
How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly?
High blood pressure is extremely dangerous. If symptoms of hypertension occur suddenly, several measures can be taken:
- Calming the patient and placing them in a comfortable position or seated.
- Ensuring the provision of fresh air.
- Taking sedative medications (hypnotics) or Corvalol, at a dose of 25-30 drops in 100 ml of water.
If the episode persists or recurs several times a day, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately. Remember, lowering blood pressure is also not normal. Medications should not be taken to lower blood pressure without consulting a doctor.
What are the Normal Values?
Blood circulation in the circulatory system is controlled by both the heart and blood vessels. A blood pressure monitor (sphygmomanometer) measures pressure standards with two rates:
- Systolic pressure. It measures the force of the left ventricle pushing blood during contraction.
- Diastolic pressure. It measures the frequency of heart muscle relaxation.
Values are expressed in millimeters of mercury. Normal arterial pressure is considered 120/80 millimeters of mercury. This does not mean that pressure is always at one level. Pressure can increase in an average person during strenuous activities or nervous tension but returns to normal during rest.
What is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure can be caused by a variety of factors:
- Cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, drugs.
- Vascular diseases of the kidneys.
- Adrenal gland diseases, pituitary gland.
- Weight gain, obesity.
- Hormonal function disorders.
- Cardiovascular diseases. Mental stress.
- Changes in arterial stiffness (usually in the elderly).
Hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure exceeds the value of 130/80 millimeters of mercury and remains steady. If the pressure continues to rise, there is a risk of developing strokes and heart attacks.
How to Lower Blood Pressure Long-Term?
The progression of hypertension can be halted in the early stage of the disease. To achieve this, the doctor recommends changing the diet and some habits followed by the individual:
- Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the increase in pressure and heart rate acceleration.
- Achieving ideal weight. Weight gain leads to an approximate increase in arterial pressure and heart rate. Values usually return to normal when achieving a normal body mass index.
- Engaging in physical exercise and maintaining physical activity. It is not necessary to go to the gym; physical activity can be increased by walking or performing simple exercises and spending more time outdoors.
- Avoiding excessive fatigue and getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day.
To avoid high blood pressure, daily dietary regulation is necessary, consuming more healthy and live foods, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy products, as well as reducing salt intake.
As long as the increase in arterial pressure is mild and transient, serious problems can be avoided by modifying lifestyle and nutrition. If blood pressure is not reduced, prescribed medications for lowering pressure should be used, as prescribed by the doctor.
How to Measure Blood Pressure Correctly?
A blood pressure monitor may not always show accurate results, especially if used incorrectly. Here are the basic rules for measuring blood pressure:
- Calm the individual.
- It is best to measure blood pressure after 1-2 hours of eating, and also avoid drinking coffee or stimulant drinks before measurement, as it can affect the data.
- Take a comfortable position – sit on a chair and place the arm on the table.
- Tight clothing on the arm where the cuff will be worn should be removed, as it can also affect the accuracy of readings.
- There are two types of cuffs. The most common option is the arm cuff, which is fastened to the lower part of the arm about 2.5 cm above the elbow bend. The other type is fastened on the wrist.
During blood pressure measurement, the individual should be in a relaxed position, without tension, without hand movement, and without talking. According to the rules, readings are first taken on both the left and right hands, and if the differences are slight, control measurement is performed on the left hand (or right if the person uses the left hand).
For individuals already diagnosed with high blood pressure, blood pressure should be measured daily, in the morning and evening, and at any other time if their condition worsens. Tracking daily blood pressure using a blood pressure diary helps. By recording all readings, it will be easier to assess your condition and monitor the development of changes, as well as the effectiveness of different medications.
There are mechanical and semi-automatic sphygmomanometers. The first type is commonly used in medical institutions, as it is complex to use. For home use, it is better to purchase semi-automatic or automatic devices.
By following these steps and taking necessary lifestyle changes, high blood pressure can be controlled, and heart and blood vessel health can be maintained for a long time. However, consulting a doctor is necessary if the condition does not improve.
How to Recognize High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure symptoms may not be felt immediately. It takes a long time for pathological processes in the body to manifest externally. Rapid fatigue, decreased activity, and poor sleep can be considered the first “indicators” of high blood pressure. Over time, intermittent chest pains may appear.
Among the more specific signs of high blood pressure:
- Sharp fluctuations in pressure without clear reasons.
- Headaches in the back of the head area.
- Increased heart rate.
- Vision problems.
When any of these symptoms appear, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Lowering blood pressure on your own is considered dangerous, as it can lead to irreversible consequences. Blood pressure can only be monitored until the doctor arrives or by placing one tablet under the tongue, such as Capoten or Captopril.
Preventing High Blood Pressure
Primary prevention of high blood pressure includes avoiding disease progression by following a balanced diet and engaging in moderate physical activity. It is very important to monitor body mass index and eliminate harmful habits.
If the diagnosis is already confirmed, the goal of prevention is to prevent cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks and strokes). The most important thing is to monitor blood pressure levels every day and prevent their elevation in time.